18 Common Mistakes That Can Result In Lost Sales Revenue up to $225,000 Every Year For Coaches, Including Millionaire Coaches!

18 Common Mistakes That Cost Coaches and Even Millionaire Coaches Up to $225,000 In Lost Sales Revenue Every Year… And How To Avoid Them!

Coaches and even millionaire coaches are losing up to $225k of sales every single year.

Because of these 18 common mistakes.

They could have easily made these sales if they avoided the mistakes.

I’ve prepared a FREE presentation to share all this globally with coaches and experts over the next few weeks.

The content takes about 45 mins and you’ll have some Q&A, so most of these sessions last about an hour.

Sign up for an Educational Experience here:

Your Income is Stagnant or Inconsistent?

  • You may be primarily coaching clients 1 to 1 and find it hard to scale  to group classes.

  • You may be closing short-term deals like one or two coaching sessions, and it’s only $150/session.

  • You may be making $30k-$90k/year but have been stagnant. You can’t break through to $100k-300k/year.

  • You may even be the solo coach making $100k-$300k/year but don't know how to break through $500k to $1M/year.

  • Or some years you do well but you fail to maintain the next year

You’re the Best at What You Do, But You’re Not Good at Marketing or Selling?

  • You may be spending 80%-90% of your time in marketing and sales meetings… figuring out how to get new leads and business. While deep down, you prefer to spend more time on your subject matter.

  • Your expertise may be deteriorating because you are forced to spend more time on marketing and sales…

  • You may not have a consistent flow of leads and referrals coming your way right now.

  • You may be accepting everyone who goes through the door, even the bad ones who are hard to work with and lowball you on price - all because you need cash flow.

  • You may be working with low-quality clients who seem to take more time, energy and effort to serve as compared to higher quality clients.

Can’t Communicate Your Value and Stand Out?

  • You are not clear in terms of your messaging and offer for your specific target market.

  • You may not be able to communicate the value you provide even if it’s the best.

  • Your marketing messages may be sounding like everyone else.

  • You might not be able to articulate how exactly you are different from others.

  • To this date, there are at least 1.7 million active transformational coaches and experts on Linkedin - and you find it tough to stand out.

Social Media Marketing Is Not Working Out?

  • You may be envious of others getting views, comments and shares on social media for their brand but you wonder, “what’s wrong with my social media game?”

  • You may have nimble into social media here and there, but effort is not consistent, results are not consistent too

  • You may not have a proper social media game plan that is tailored to your unique personality.

Paid Advertising Is Not Working Out?

  • You might have spent a minimum of $1000 to $2000 to hire a marketing agency every month and splash another $1000 to $2000 on ad budget… yet you only get a handful of unqualified leads. After a month or so, you get the same results.

  • You may even have rinsed and repeated through different marketing agencies who yield similar lackluster results.

Anyway, You’re Not Alone! Here’s a Few of My Clients’ Case Studies For You To Learn From In DETAIL ! 

"How Xin Hong, A 24 Years Old

Relationship Coach,

Go From $0/mo to $12,000/mo"

"How Coen Managed To Close Back-To-Back 5-Figure Deals And Tripled His Annual Income"

"How a TEDx Speaker And Coach Increased Her Income from $125,000/yr to >$350,000/yr in 24 Months… While Working Lesser Hours… and Have More Time For Holidays With Her Family"

Most educators, coaches and experts like you do NOT live, eat and breathe marketing and sales. 

Instead you live, eat and breathe your favorite subject matter.

You do NOT consume sales and marketing books or videos out of interest. 

You only do it out of necessity. 

So that you can get more leads and sales to create more impact and influence in the world. 

Therefore, you are struggling with the sales side of your business side

And, Many of You Hang Out With Coaches, Educators and Experts Who Are Not Financially Wealthy :( 

FACT: There are DIFFERENT types of wealth. 

Financial wealth is only ONE part of your life. 

But, there’s a common saying - “You are the average of 5 folks around you.” 

And that includes your income. 

So, for those of you who hang out with similar educators and coaches…

Who are super nurturing and amazing. 

But do NOT have strong business acumen…

It is likely your average income is decent but NOT amazing

And it doesn’t afford you the time and financial freedom you wish for you and your families.

It’s Not Your Fault

Educators, coaches and experts don’t have a stereotype for being very wealthy. 

Because you were not shown how it is possible to work less and make more. 

You lacked guidance from people who’ve been there and done it. 

But that’s about to change! 

When you start hanging out with coaches and educators who are good at what they do… 

And make good money at the same time…

Just like these clients of ours… 


Darryl Ng


“I went from <$3k/ mo in 2020 to more than $50k/mo in 2023!”


Marshall Thurber


"Without doubt - Melvin and Josiah are the best marketers I have ever seen in my entire 50 year business career."


Mark Joyner


"Melvin and Josiah can design a marketing process and closing process to 10x your business!”


Zachary Young


"I made 6 figures in two consecutive months!"


May Sim


"I exceeded my original expectation. I'm reaching numbers I didn't even dare imagine I would!"


David Chua


"I've learnt strategies, tips and tricks that have netted me more than SGD 100K."


Sean Seah


"I went from breakeven to $1 Million in profits in one year!"


Michael Toeh


“We made $15K in the span of 3 days!”


Darius Tan


“I used to be broke, but after X-Factor I am now making $30-$50K a month. We’ve also generated multiple 6-figures without even spending a dollar on ads!”


Rae Fung


“I made my first 5-figure month and started building my own community. That has satisfied my heart’s desire… and also the bank!”

Darryl Ng

Founder of Calibrate your Inner GPS

“I went from <$3k/ mo in 2020 to more than $50k/mo in 2023!”

David Chua

Founder of Vertex Mastery

"I've learnt strategies, tips, and tricks that have netted me more than SGD100k.

Marshall Thurber

Godfather of Business

"Without doubt - Melvin and Josiah are the best marketers I have ever seen in my entire 50 year business career."

Mark Joyner

Godfather of Internet Marketing

"I know almost everybody out there in the Sales and Marketing world, and Mel and Jo are right up there with the best of the best."

Zachary Young

Business Strategist

“I started from ZERO yet made my first 6-figures in just 6 months. The X-Factor Method works!”

May Sim

Founder of Selfstrology

“My highest ticket offer went from $3000 to about $30,000. I deliver more value and results than before. And I make more!"

Sean Seah

Founder of Value Investing College

"I went from breakeven to $1 Million in profits in one year!"

Michael Teoh

Founder of Thriving Talents

“We made $15K in the span of 3 days!”

Darius Tan

CEO of Strategic Attraction

“I used to be broke, but after X-Factor I am now making $30-$50K a month. We’ve also generated multiple 6-figures without even spending a dollar on ads!”

Rae Fung

Speaking Coach

“I made my first 5-figure month and started building my own community. That has satisfied my heart’s desire… and also the bank!”

Everyone Is Unique, You Need To Know How To Articulate It…

Every coach, educator and expert has something special about them.

All you need to do is find out your intangible and tangible X-Factor. 

And articulate it in a persuasive way to attract high quality clients.

Why Am I Sharing These With You?

Simply because my team and I live, eat and breathe marketing and sales. 

We exist to help people like you who are really good at what they do. 

We want to help you reach out to as many clients that you ideally can impact.

That’s why I’ve prepared a FREE educational program to educate as many coaches, educators and experts in the next few weeks.

18 Common Mistakes That Cost Coaches and Even Millionaire Coaches Up to $225,000 In Lost Sales Revenue Every Year… And How To Avoid Them!

At the Educational Event, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify and articulate your intangible and tangible X-Factor.

  • How to fine-tune your messaging and sales pitch to attract your natural audience to you.

  • How to package an attractive offer that provides massive high value.

  • How to make more money by working fewer hours.

  • How to avoid the 18 mistakes coaches and millionaire coaches are making right now.

  • How to become a popular coach in your community.


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